How to roast Brussels sprouts

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Brussel sprouts are real sweeties from Belgium. "Beeeh, I do not like that!" Is this a phrase that you often have to hear when you put these delicious sprouts on the table? Do the youngest still believe in gnomes? Fine ! Tell them that sprouts are small cabbages that are grown by the gnomes who live in your garden. Gnome cabbages, success guaranteed! Do you want to prepare Brussels sprouts yourself, but do not know how to start? Check out this simple recipe. You can also stir in crispy bacon strips. Ingredients (serves 2 or 3)
  • 500g of Brussels sprouts
  • some butter
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • nutmeg to taste
Full recipe

Clean the Brussels sprouts by removing the ends and the outer leaves.

Put them in water.
Steam the Brussels sprouts for 20 minutes, depending on the size.

Melt some butter in a skillet on medium high heat.
Add the cooked Brussels sprouts.
Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.

Let them roast for a couple of minutes, while gently stirring them now and then

Bon appétit !

Watch my video and see how I prepare it by clicking on this link :
